Contemporary Timber Framing

Timber framing brings life to modern buildings. For self-builds and architect-led projects, it’s often now an essential component in the design. It’s naturally beautiful, eco-friendly and holds the look and feel of new builds together. At Doyle and Whitley, we create bespoke timber framing day in, day out; it’s what we live and breathe. We have wide experience of advanced modern construction techniques combined with a deep knowledge of the traditional approaches, joints and structures needed to achieve a sleek, elegant finish that does justice to your vision.

Working with you throughout the build

As structural carpenters, we take a whole-build view of your project. Because we know timber framing inside out, we can design from scratch, or work with your architect to ensure their designs get the most out of the materials we’re using. If timber framing is a key element in your build, we can also act as your main contractor, working closely with architects, structural engineers and all your other suppliers to co-ordinate your build and make sure no corners are cut.

Leaving a legacy of beautiful builds behind us…

The Doyle & Whitley mark stands for distinctive quality. We design and create timber work that’s structurally robust, and aesthetically outstanding. With the timeless quality of timber framing, we build houses that age gracefully for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

We are specialists in:

  • Modern design
  • Innovative materials construction
  • Achieving top grade insulation values
  • Bespoke on-site builds
  • Pre-fab in our depot then supply
  • Whole project management

Need a timber specialist you can trust?

Call Tom on 07971 223 685, or Will on 07855 388 078, to arrange a consultation